A safe and quick way to pay bills
Reduced risk of error thanks to the QR code
More information can be exchanged between the issuer and the recipient
Free choice of payment channel
Harmonisation of the payment slip format
The essentials
A new invoicing method: the QR-bill
The QR-bill, defined according to ISO 20022 standards, facilitates payments thanks to automated data processing. It enables you to both issue and pay invoices. It contains a Swiss QR-code (Quick Response Code is a two-dimensional barcode) which has all the important information relating to its payment.

You can continue to use your usual payment method to pay your QR-bills:
- BCGE Netbanking*
- BCGE Mobile Netbanking*
- Payment software
- Quick order*
*No steps to be taken
Steps to be taken
If you scan the payment slips
- Obtain a reader capable of reading and interpreting the data in the QR-bill (ask your supplier for details)
If you use an accounting or payment software
- Save all account numbers in IBAN1 format in your software
- Check with your software supplier to make sure that the processing of the QR-bill is integrated into your software