Energy Efficiency Renovation Loan
Finance the energy renovation of your home at a preferential rate of 3.90%
Loan decision within 24 hours
Interest paid is tax deductible
Supports energy efficiency and renewable energies
The essentials
Financing your energy renovation
The Energy Efficiency Renovation Loan is a cost-effective, simple and quick option for financing your sustainable energy renovation, including installations with a high energy performance, such as the installation of photovoltaic panels, the modernisation of your heating or hot water system, the renovation of your home’s shell, and the replacement of your interior fittings.
Apply directly online at bcge.ch
Applying is fast and easy
BCGE will inform you of its decision to grant you a personal loan within 24 hours of receiving the necessary documents.
Further information
- Loan amount: from CHF 20,000 to CHF 100,000
- Borrower must be aged 18 or older and employed or receiving a pension (including AVS and 2nd pillar)
- Borrower must be a Swiss resident
- Borrower must be the owner of a property located in Switzerland (and registered in the Land Register)
- Loan period: 6 to 60 months
A loan will be not be granted if it causes the borrower to become over-indebted.
The Federal Law on Consumer Credit (FLCC) grants the client a 14-day reflection period. Provided that the client certifies that he has not exercised his right of revocation, the funds are released on the 15th day.